As a future administrator I realize I am going to have to deal with a plethora of phone calls. Some will be positive, however, some will be negative. It is imperative that I stay cool, calm, and collected during those phone conversations. Here is an example of how one of those phone conversations could play out:
R: Subject Area Supervisor
A: Angered parent about student placement
F: Phone Conversation
T: School's decision for student's placement in CP vs. Honors
AP: Angry Parent
M: Me
AP, "Hello Mr. J. How are you today? Well, let me tell you how I am. I am annoyed. I would like to know why my daughter Samantha is not in the honors program?"
M, "Well, Mrs. Smith I am sorry that you feel annoyed, but I stand behind the decision of where your daughter is being placed. After reviewing the qualifications for the honors programs, your daughter does not meet the requirements."
AP, "That is ridiculous Mr. J. My daughter is extremely gifted. She scores high on all of her exams and got straight A's last year."
M, "I realize that Sam is a bright young lady. However, in order to get into the honors program you need to be recommended by a teacher, maintain straight A's for the past 2 years, and score advanced proficient on the state tests."
AP, "I still think Sam should be in the honors program. She is talented and I want her to be challenged."
M, "Well, Mrs. Smith, the teacher for the college prep class is excellent and will be able to challenge Sam. The teacher will be able to meet Sam's needs."
AP, "Well, I don't know. I haven't heard any positive things from my friends about the teacher for the college prep class."
M, "Mrs. Smith, I believe you have to form your own opinion of that instructor. If the teacher was not adequate, we would not have given him tenure. Also, in the middle of the year we can see Sam's progress and reevaluate her for the honor's program."
AP, "Thank you Mr. J for your time. I guess that will work. Have a good day."
M, "Have a good day too."